Sunday, March 27, 2011

Astigirl the Book, Launched! :)

Thank you, my dearest friends and family, for making the book launch of Astigirl: A Grown Girl Living On Her Own Terms last March 8 a really fun one!

Thank you, astig speakers at the first ASTIGIRL TALK--Neva Kares Talladen (founder of Leyende, an organic beauty product company), Krie Lopez (founder of Messy Bessy, a line of non-toxic cleaning products, and of School H.O.U.S.E. (Helping Ourselves Through Sustainable Enterprise) Project), Dolores Cheng (founder of the Center for Possibilities, a foundation for children with special needs and their families), Rose Yenko (Jungian psychotherapist and a founder of the Carl Jung Circle Center), Binky Mendoza (yoga teacher, The Yoga Circle), and Ana Santos (sexual health activist and educator, founder of sex& You ladies are inspiring!

The books are available at Fully Booked branches (hardcover and paperback). Hardcover price is P799. Paperback is P585.

Thank you and do help spread the word. And keep getting more and more astig, people! :D

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